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Colour me Human January 29, 2012

Posted by bluegasps in Soul Flakes.
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Dear all.
Happy new year!
I know…. As always this comes to you all a bit late. My bad!!

But I says it’s never to late to tell your loved ones that you love and care for them! You never know if it will be the last time you get to do it!  So take every opportunity that you can to let the significant people in you life know just why it is that they are significant in you life.

Don’t wait till they are gone. Life is too short for regrets.
That being said…

Here is something someone shared with me a long time ago. Back in the days of chain letters. Nothing too special about it, but it stuck with me through the ages, and it seems like the best way to begin the year. By wishing you enough.

Hooray for google’s mighty powers, because I have been able to scour the net, and bring it to you.

So. My dearly beloved, for this year, and always this is my wish for you.


I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough.”

(From me to you,
I wish you enough love,
to make you feel that each morning is worth rising to)

That being said, I’ll now move on to more pressing concerns.
This post… 😛

I just noticed that I hardly wrote anything in the past year. Not that I did not have anything to rant about. I guess it was just not a writing year. It was more of a year of self-seeking and searching for blue. The search it seems never ends. And I guess that may have been what got me into the beautifully tangled mess that I have been in the past few years.

Thinking that why can’t this soul seeking business be over already so I can move on to other things!
It never ends! I have come to realize that the day you stop seeking and searching, is the day you begin to die (well there are many other instances when you begin to die, but I will let you know about them as I stumble on them). So as long as this heart keeps beating, this soul shall never cease to seek. And that realization is bringing me a strange kind of peace. It’s almost surreal. I guess this is what the religious folk out there would call surrender. Letting go of what holds you down and letting a higher power guide you. A strange knowing that everything will be okay in the midst of chaos.

Talking of religion, and the reason for this post. I have also come to realize that we as humans are a very judgemental and non-tolerant species. And this just breaks my heart. In the past year, I did a lot of reading and the stuff I saw was just absolutely heartbreaking. From wall posts on people celebrating the fall death of the Libyan tyrant (forgetting the good he did for his country), to people taking very strong stands on issues such as divorce (without knowing both sides of the story). There was always a strong tie of intolerance and judgement that ran across them. I guess being a very liberal borderline atheist, the year shocked me to the core.

It had been a long time since I was well.. in touch with secular humanity. I have for a while cut myself out from what I consider to be negativity and negative energies. So I do not go out to seek the worst in humanity, but purposely seek out the good. And when all you see is good, you think that that is how the world operates. The past few years I have gone inside, and shut the outside from me, in the attempt to figure out this so-called life. It has been a journey that has been anything but dull. But it also kind of cut me out from reality. So jumping right back into it… you get why this was so shocking!

I have always been kind of naive, and I’ll be the first one to tell you that. But I don’t think that my believe that no human is all vile is being naive. I guess I would rather look for the good in a person than the bad in them. And yes… this messiah syndrome has landed me some relationships that I could have done without. NO… don’t get me wrong I do not go into relationships seeking to change my partner, I just tolerate more than I have to because I see the good even when they are being dick heads! And yes I am grateful for all these experiences, because I have come out with something new from each and every one of them. I am after all the culmination of all my experiences. This has just reminded me of an interesting talk I viewed on the role memories play in our lives, by Deepak Chopra. Are we our memories, or are our memories us? If we get rid of our memories, then do we rid ourselves of who we are? But I digress…  My relationships have taught me that it is up to me to find the light in each dark spot I encounter. So for this… I thank you.

And now…  back to no human being all bad. Even what some may consider the vilest of creatures out there, has some light in them. No human is all bad. Not as long as you have a soul and a beating heart in you. The example I love to use is that I am sure Hitler’s mother loved him, and that he meant the world to her. Most of us may not see what good he had in him. I am pretty sure those close to him, such as his mother did. No one can be all wretched!

I never realized just how quick we are to pick up the stone and cast it at our neighbor, without looking at all the facts. Without placing ourselves in their shoes. I guess that it is a lot easier to just pick up the stone and cast it. Following the crowd sure beats trying to find out the reasons behind someone else’s actions. But tell me this… without empathy, how are we different from wild beasts?

How can we call ourselves civilized if we do not stop for a moment and search for all sides of the story before making a conclusion. How can we claim to love if we refuse to walk a mile in the other persons shoes.

Don’t get me wrong. I am human, and therefore not perfect.  And yes, I judge too! I cast my stones as well. But I am seeking to constantly be more aware of my actions, and take responsibility for everything I do. Because I am responsible for making the world a better place… be it one blog at a time, or be it by walking a mile in your shoes. This is my responsibility! So this year I promise to live up better to my standards of integrity. To walk by your side and hear what you have to say, before I draw a wrong conclusion. To hear all sides of your story before I write you off. Most importantly, this year, I promise to open my heart to you, despite your race colour, religion or creed. I refuse to let your life situation dictate how I treat you. I promise to be more open-minded, and more tolerant to you.

As a child, I held a very strong conviction that it did not matter who or where you were. The only thing any human being ever wants is quite simple. To be treated as such. To be treated human. As I grew older, I guess life happened, making me slightly jaded, and forgetting this along the way. But now that I remember it, I know that this still holds true in the depths of my soul. That the essences of humanity relies on treating our fellow brothers, and sisters (if you may) as we would like to be treated.Yes! Enough with the preaching, I know! So this year and always, I affirm to you that I will do my level best to uphold this. I ask you all to join me. Let’s make this world a better place!

This year I promise to colour you human!

Happy new year.
Love and peace always

P.S Chinese new year was just a few days ago…
So in retrospect it is not that late to wish you all a fabulous 2012!


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